Dr. Marzieh AminiOSS Coordinator
Our People
Faculty & Full-Time Instructors
Dr. Masoud BaratiIRM Coordinator
Dr. KC CollinsAssociate Director, Graduate
Dr. Audrey GirouardAssociate Dean, FED - Research
Dr. Wei ShiAssociate Director, Undergraduate
Dr. Marc St-HilaireNET Coordinator
Dr. Robert TeatherSchool Director
Dr. David ThueIMD Coordinator
Cross-Appointed Faculty
Faculty members from another department, cross-appointed to supervise graduate students in the School
Dr. Chiara Del GaudioSchool of Industrial Design
Dr. Vicky McArthurSchool of Journalism and Communication
Dr. Fateme RajabiyazdiDepartment of Systems and Computer Engineering
Ms. Chantal TrudelSchool of Industrial Design
Adjunct Research Faculty
External colleagues, approved to co-supervise graduate students in the School
Dr. Mohammed AbuibaidSchool of Information Technology
Dr. Karen CochraneUniversity of Waterloo
Dr. Pablo FigueroaUniversidad de los Andes, Colombia
Dr. Lois FrankelSchool of Information Technology
Dr. Dan HawesJust Virtual
Dr. Thomas PietrzakUniversity of Lille, France
Dr. Anne RoudautFaculty of Engineering, University of Bristol
Dr. Rami SabouniSchool of Information Technology
Dr. Anthony ScavarelliAlgonquin College
Dr. Helen TangCenter for Security Science, Defense R&D
Dr. Zhihong TianCyberspace Institute of Advanced Technology, Guangzhou University
Sessional Instructors
- Dr. Laith Mayyahi
- Dr. Sima Soltanpour
- Kishore Vanapalli
- Hongzhi Zhang