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SUI'23: Felipe Gonzalez's ACM Triumph - Bridging Code and Creativity


November 6th, 2023

CSIT PhD student, Felipe Gonzalez, presented groundbreaking research at the ACM Symposium for Spatial User Interaction in Sydney, Australia, in October 2023. His work on 3D modeling through code, with the help of Dr. Audrey Giouard, is set to revolutionize CAD tools.

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Felipe Gonzalez, a PhD student in the Information Technology program with a Cotutelle arrangement with Université de Lille in France, delivered a captivating presentation on his paper titled "Introducing Bidirectional Programming in Constructive Solid Geometry-Based CAD."

Working in collaboration with Dr. Audrey Giouard, the head of the Creative Interactions Lab at CSIT, Felipe's research delves into the fascinating world of 3D modeling through code. He explores how bidirectional programming can enhance 3D modeling, bridging the gap between code and direct manipulation interaction. Users can seamlessly navigate and edit their 3D models in real time, simplifying code-based modeling and addressing current user experience challenges.

Felipe's work is truly at the forefront of technological advancement and has the potential to revolutionize CAD tools and user interaction techniques. We extend our heartfelt congratulations to Felipe Gonzalez and Dr. Audrey Giouard for their exceptional achievement.

Link to Paper