Call for Papers


There is a phenomenal burst of research activities in mobile cloud and virtualization, which extends cloud computing functions, services, and results to the world of future mobile communications applications, and the paradigm of cloud computing and virtualization to mobile networks. Mobile applications demand greater resources and improved interactivity for better user experience. Resources in cloud computing platforms such as Amazon, Google AppEngine and Microsoft Azure are a natural fit to remedy the lack of local resources in mobile devices. On the other hand, wireless network virtualization enables abstraction and sharing of infrastructure and radio spectrum resources, the overall expenses of wireless network deployment and operation can be reduced significantly. The availability of cloud computing resources on a pay-as-you-go basis, the advances in wireless network virtualization, software defined networking (SDN), device-to-device (D2D) communications, local cloudlets, and the emergence of advanced wireless networks such as cloud-based radio access networks (C-RANs) create a new space of rich research problems. The Workshop on "Mobile Cloud and Virtualization" provides a forum for discussions of all these most up-to-date developments and brings together industry and academia, engineers and researchers. The workshop is in conjunction with IEEE INFOCOM'2015 conference.


The Workshop invites submissions of your unpublished works on the following topics (but not limited to):

  • Trends and challenges of mobile cloud and virtualization
  • Mobile cloud and virtualization architecture, designs, and evaluations
  • Communication networks for mobile cloud and virtualization
  • Mobile cloud and virtualization in 4G/5G cellular networks
  • Information-centric mobile cloud and virtualization
  • Mobile cloud and virtualization in vehicular, ad hoc, sensor, and cognitive radio networks
  • Energy efficient hardware, software, networks and services
  • QoS provisioning and resource management in mobile cloud and virtualization
  • PHY, MAC, routing and transport protocols for mobile cloud and virtualization
  • Cross-layer design and optimization for mobile cloud and virtualization
  • Software defined networks (SDNs) architectures and protocols
  • Modeling and performance evaluation of mobile cloud and virtualization
  • Pricing and billing for mobile cloud and virtualization services
  • Quality of service (QoS) and quality of experience (QoE) improvements
  • Cloud-based radio access networks (C-RANs) infrastructure
  • Device-to-device (D2D) communications and local cloudlets
  • Security and privacy issues for mobile cloud and virtualization
  • User-oriented mobile cloud and virtualization
  • Signal processing for mobile cloud computing networks
  • Information theory for mobile cloud and virtualization
  • Cooperative communications , game theory, and stochastic optimization for mobile cloud and virtualization
  • Interdisciplinary research for mobile cloud and virtualization
  • Standards, policies, and regulations for mobile cloud and virtualization
  • Experimental test-beds and prototype designs and implementations

Contribution format

The authors are encouraged to submit full papers describing original, previously unpublished, complete research, not currently under review by another conference or journal, addressing state-of-the-art research and development. All submissions should be written in English with a maximum paper length of six (6) printed pages (10-point font) including figures. Submissions longer than 6 pages will not be considered.

Paper submission

o   Full Paper Submission: Jan.. 15, 2014
o   Notification of Acceptance: Feb. 17, 2015
o   Camera-ready version + Author Registration: Feb. 28, 2015