Graduate Studies

Current Students


Seminar Series

ITEC 5001 is a series of seminars and lectures given by students, faculty and visitors. All masters and PhD students are required to attend at least eight seminars, and successfully present at least once. On occasion, the seminar series will also feature speakers from Carleton as well as from the IT community at large, both academic and industrial, exposing students to the latest topics in research.

The schedule for ITEC-5001 seminars can be found here.

  • Students must sign the attendance sheet to record their ITEC seminar attendance.
  • Attending ITEC 5001 seminars does not require registration. In fact, you should register after attending 8 seminars.
  • For external events, please inquire in advance with the seminar coordinator if the event can count towards ITEC seminar attendance. If so, students must submit a proof of attendance via an attendance form signed by the event organizer.
  • CLUE (Collaborative Learning of Usability Experiences) events are preapproved. The CLUE attendance sheet is shared with us, so there is no need for another proof of attendance.
  • If you would like to present in an ITEC seminar, please email the seminar coordinator.