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SUI'23: Low-Cost VR, High-Impact Research - Kristen Grinyer’s Low-Fi VR Controller


October 30th, 2023

Kristen Grinyer, a PhD student in the Information Technology program, is making waves with her research in low-cost virtual reality (VR). Kristen Grinyer along with Dr. Rob Teather, presented their groundbreaking research at the ACM Symposium on Spatial User Interaction (SUI) in Sydney. Their work focuses on enhancing interaction and user experience in low-cost virtual reality (VR using a smartphone), addressing the disparity in VR access.


Their SUI'23 presentation showcased the Low-Fi VR Controller, a prototype made from common household paper-based materials. Utilizing camera-based tracking, this controller offers 6 degrees-of-freedom interaction and ray-based selection, rivalling the capabilities of modern VR controllers at a minimal cost. The Low-Fi VR Controller unlocks new interaction possibilities in affordable VR, ensuring that individuals with limited resources can enjoy a broader range of VR applications. Their research aims to bridge the accessibility gap in VR, ensuring that even those who can't afford expensive technology can fully participate in the virtual world.

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